On mother's day, after a wonderful breakfast of strawberry waffles in bed, I asked my husband if he minded if I spent the rest of the day, in the basement, challenging myself on my potter's wheel. I spent a little more time in bed exploring some videos of some ideas I had been thinking of trying. The video that caught my interest was this one:
I am glad I paid extra attention to the point where he said, when the 2 pieces start to touch, DON'T PANIC! I know I would have panicked!
Several hours later I had made these:
Several hours later I had made these:
After some days of drying, I trimmed them up and went to work carving the outer wall. I carved and carved and carved........until they looked like this:
I had to transport them to the studio and one of them ended up like this:
After bisque firing and glaze firing, I finally got the finished pots in July! No one ever said that pottery is a quick art!! But, I think they were worth waiting for.

They are especially beautiful when filled with peanut butter M&Ms!